smarter, better ….your way [or something like this - that it’s individual, their own special magic]
the divorce whisperer
use “discovery session” rather than “breakthrough session”?
you can move from stuck to movitated
from — to —
(or just stay with something - empowered? and go all in with that idea)
When clients are willing to take a hard look at their thoughts and beliefs, they begin to see results not only in their primary issue but also in other facets of their lives. The world needs more people who are vibrant and fully empowered, and it’s thrilling to watch my clients thrive beyond what they had realized was possible.
Jon testimonial unedited
Daniela Pierson’s coaching sessions became an important and invaluable part of my weekly schedule. Together, we created a system and schedule that set the tone for a productive week, ready for anything. Her guidance and counsel during the sessions stayed with me every day and helped me maintain a focused and calm mood as I worked my way through our system and schedule. Whether it ended up being a good week or a bad week, no matter what I succeeded or failed at in between sessions, I knew Daniela would understand, not give up, and help make the next week even better.
The biggest change in my life is a new sense of confidence. Even if my days and weeks don’t go according to plan, I now feel supported by the advice and systems that Daniela put into practice. Her advice and systems give me the confidence to face the workweek, to ignore the stress and unease that made up so much of my day, to deal with the issues that come up, and get back to the plan.
Can you point to a result and/or some ramifications of what you learned?
Before Daniela’s coaching, one of my worst habits was my emotional reaction to unexpected professional tasks and personal obligations, especially when I was already feeling overwhelmed. Too many times, I worked and socialized with a sense of resentment. Daniela helped me untangle myself from those emotional reactions and to recognize that feeling of resentment for what it really was: a distraction, a bad habit, a non-fact. Now I am on guard for those resentful feelings, can sense it coming and move out of its way before it takes over, so I can keep myself focused while at work and present when I’m with family and friends.
Daniela Pierson’s coaching sessions became an important and invaluable part of my weekly schedule. Together, we created a system and schedule that set the tone for a productive week, ready for anything. Her guidance and counsel during the sessions stayed with me every day and helped me maintain a focused and calm mood as I worked my way through our system and schedule.
The biggest change in my life is a new sense of confidence. Her advice and systems give me the confidence to face the workweek, to ignore the stress and unease that made up so much of my day, to deal with the issues that come up, and get back to the plan.
Before Daniela’s coaching, one of my worst habits was my emotional reaction to unexpected professional tasks and personal obligations, especially when I was already feeling overwhelmed. Too many times, I worked and socialized with a sense of resentment. Daniela helped me untangle myself from those emotional reactions so that I can keep myself focused while at work and present when I’m with family and friends.
Catherine testimonial unedited
Daniela has been instrumental in helping me guide my thoughts towards positivity and change during a very difficult time in my life. She gave me the tools and insight to recognize how my thoughts and feelings can be redirected to change my perspective. She provided clarity on difficult situations that I was having a hard time seeing my way through to the other side. I am so grateful for her direction and knowledge- it really helped me navigate a very tricky time in my life.
When I began coaching, I was going of through a divorce and resulting circumstances that I felt was behind my control. Coaching with Daniela helped me realize just how much power and control I do have to my life how I want it to be.
Now, after learning new ways to interpret and manage how my feelings are tied to my thoughts, I have a much better sense of control and positive outlook on my life and future.I am particularly excited that when I realized how to change my thoughts, that led to changes in how I felt about my circumstances. I feel I have my control back. Through coaching, I learned that I have much more control over my life and outcomes than I thought. I have a better coparenting relationship with my ex because I feel empowered to make my life what I want it to be, vs reacting.
Pam testimonial unedited:
so I would say working with you Has been very helpful and directive and really has helped me clarify my own goals in my life and what I want long term and short term
and I would say it has been challenging for me to be honest with myself and you've been very supportive throughout and understanding, but more importantly I mean obviously you've kept me honest which is I think the most important thing in a working relationship
The work itself has been incredibly challenging but very rewarding and the skills that I've learned will assist me way longer than then when our sessions and so I think that it has certainly like I said clarified what I want for my children and for my marriage and for my living space
So the work is invaluable
I have been in therapy for a very long time, and both therapy and life coaching are very important in my mind as a professional in the mental health realm, but I think that this is just very much more directive and goal-oriented and practical, in that you really look at your thoughts and how they really impact your entire way of operating in the world and you really examine the validity of those thoughts. so I think that both are important, but I think that the life coaching especially being a mother of young children in a marriage, with two working figures in a pandemic it has been just like invaluable, a life coach more so than therapy at this point
(and then what about one thing that we might do that I might do on the website is not since a lot of the things are really personal I don't have like a like the full name of the Pata Pata they're just too many people have been doing too much personal require I wouldn't even be the last initial but I'm thinking of making them actually all totally Anonymous so that you are comfortable saying like what was your goal in water what have you done toward it
yeah I mean it then you can say I'm going to pretty much an open Book but you can say I didn't realize I think
I didn't realize a lot of the chaos in my life that I was feeling was because of my immediate surroundings. I guess you could say my my immediate concrete surround tonight in my living environment, and I think that like our work is really really assisted me in like seeing how my maladaptive thoughts have really impacted my choices and what I put in my house and so I think I mean through our work I think that we’ve really able to explore those thoughts didn't serve anymore and they weren't serving my family and better and just be no mor e effective ways of thinking about how I want to raise my kids and how I want to treat myself. It’s been very helpful and has changed I think the trajectory of where I see my living space in like you know. It’s not decluttering. The word decluttering cheapens it ... you can have to find a better word streamlining I don't know what it is okay and you want to quit you want me to help you draft something to write to friends cuz I think it's
Thank you so so much. I never thought that life coaching would ever be so helpful… I had no idea where this was going to go, so I‘m very very happy. And my kids