Daniela’s the expert you want in your corner

“Full disclosure: Before I started working with Daniela, I was a little skeptical about the whole ‘life coach’ thing, and what that even meant. (Did I want a spunky cheerleader type spouting can-do platitudes at me? Definitely not.) But from our very first session, she put me at ease with her calm demeanor, keen insights and practical, solutions-based approach.

Daniela has a knack for cutting straight to the heart of an issue—she was able to quickly and accurately hone in on the obstacles, real and imagined, that were keeping me from reaching my goals, and offer concrete alternatives. Over the course of three months, she helped to retrain my brain, teaching me how to identify and root out limiting thoughts and counter-productive beliefs, patterns and habits. (She has an uncanny B.S. detector—which led to plenty of ‘a-ha moments’ when I realized that some of my absolute truths and foregone conclusions were anything but.) And while there were plenty of revelations in every session, Daniela also equipped me with the necessary tools to stay the course when left to my own devices; kind of like the equivalent of having the ‘good angel’ perched perpetually on my shoulder.

By nature, change and growth can be uncomfortable. But thanks to Daniela’s guidance and super-appealing disposition—she’s equal parts kind, wise, and whip-smart—the process felt productive, energizing and even fun. If you need help getting unstuck, seeing situations with new clarity or cultivating the best version of yourself, she’s the expert you want in your corner.” 

A new sense of confidence

“Daniela Pierson’s coaching sessions became an important and invaluable part of my weekly schedule. Together, we created a system and schedule that set the tone for a productive week, ready for anything. Her guidance and counsel during the sessions stayed with me every day and helped me maintain a focused and calm mood as I worked my way through our system and schedule. The biggest change in my life is a new sense of confidence. Her advice and systems give me the confidence to face the workweek, to ignore the stress and unease that had made up so much of my day, to deal with the issues that came up, and get back to the plan.

Before Daniela’s coaching, one of my worst habits was my emotional reaction to unexpected professional tasks and personal obligations, especially when I was already feeling overwhelmed. Too many times, I worked and socialized with a sense of resentment. Daniela helped me untangle myself from those emotional reactions so that I can keep myself focused while at work and present when I’m with family and friends.”

I have already made significant progress toward my goals

“Coaching with Daniela Pierson has affected my life in such a deeply positive way. She has helped me to understand myself and my goals in a way that is clear and encouraging. Since my sessions began I have already made significant progress toward my goals, and I am feeling more in control of my life. Thank you Daniela!”

I loved your precise and effective way to show me that I have the ability to get what I want

“I thank you, Daniela, for showing me the way to be the mom I want to be, especially in tough situations, and that I have it in my hands to be the one I want to be. I loved the work with you. I loved your precise and effective way to show me that I have the ability to get what I want and that I can be the mother I want to be.”

 This work has been invaluable, and the skills that I've learned will assist me way past the end of the sessions.

“I have been in therapy for a very long time, and both therapy and life coaching are very important in my mind…. But as a professional in the mental health realm, I think that coaching is just very much more directive and goal-oriented and practical. I really looked at my thoughts, looked at how they impacted my entire way of operating in the world and I examined the validity of those thoughts. Daniela, you've kept me honest and our work assisted me in seeing how my maladaptive thoughts have really impacted my choices. This work has been invaluable, and the skills that I've learned will assist me way past the end of the sessions.

Thank you so, so much. I didn’t realize that life coaching would be so helpful… I had no idea where this was going to go, and I‘m very, very happy.”

 My co-parenting relationship with my ex-husband is much improved because I feel empowered to make my life what I want it to be

“When I began coaching, I was going through a divorce. Coaching with Daniela helped me realize just how much power and control I have in my life and how I want it to be. Now, after learning new ways to interpret and manage how my feelings are tied to my thoughts, I have a much better sense of control and a positive outlook on my life and future. My co-parenting relationship with my ex-husband is much improved because I feel empowered to make my life what I want it to be instead of constantly reacting to my circumstances.”